Widmerpool Biomass Plant

At the Widmerpool Biomass Plant in Nottingham, we have the responsibility for the monitoring, operations and maintenance of the site including overseeing Gren's fuel and ash disposal contracts. The 6.8MWe biomass-fired combined heat and power station is designed to provide sustainable green electricity for over 10,000 homes.



This will be the second Gren-owned site managed by px Group following the successful partnership at Holbrook biomass CHP facility in Sheffield which began in 2019.  Gren acquired both assets in 2023 and has announced plans to invest up to £1 billion in low carbon infrastructure in the UK.


  • The combined heat and power (CHP) station generates 6.8 megawatts (Mwe) of renewable electricity which is exported to the grid. 
  • By utilising waste wood as fuel, the plant recycles around 52,000 tonnes annually, significantly reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 8,400 tonnes each year.